
Intellectual Solutions

TRPharm offers all the necessary pre-sales services timely and with minimum risk, taking advantage of Turkey's positive dynamics.

TRPharm's rational solutions services include drug discovery, development, production, and regulatory support that accelerate stakeholders' drug development process and enable innovative treatments to reach the market faster. In addition, TRPharm's experienced team provides customized solutions to meet the unique needs of each stakeholder and project.

How Can We Help Up You?

Clinical Trial Management - to help you execute clinical trials as you planned.

Study Rescue - to help you quickly increase enrollment in the study.

Early Access - to help you enter the Turkish pharmaceutical market.

Ensuring Quality

At TRPharm, we comply with the ICH: E6 good clinical practices guideline.

We ensure that our clinical trial data are credible with regulatory authorities in the EU, Japan and the US.

We design, conduct, record and report our trials involving human subjects to an international scientific quality standard.

We provide public assurances that the rights and well-being of trial subjects are protected.

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